Tuesday, December 30, 2014

1120 or 160 weeks....

1,120 days. That sounds like a lot. And maybe it is. But really, I only feel like I am maybe in my mid-20s, not only 1,120 days away from turning 40. I don't really dread turning 40, it is more like it just simply doesn't seem possible.

1,120 days. What do I plan to do with the rest of my 30s? I let my 20s just slide by me. And it wasn't until my mid-30s that I grabbed life by the tail and said enough. So what do I want to do with the rest of my 30s? How do I want to enter my 40s?

That is what this blog will be about. Mostly a place for me to talk about exercise and weight-loss and recipes. Mostly. I reserve the right to make it be about whatever I want it to be about that day.

1,120 days. 160 weeks. Beginning January 1, 2014, and ending on my birthday, in 2018.

Let's do this.